Monday, January 4, 2016


Big Tower
The boys and a Big Tower

Dog Blog Post #2016

The boys decided to visit the Isle of Minecraft today, and look at the lovely Angular Tower they found!

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1526. "Angular"

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 4, 2015 - "Tower"

Uh... no. I don't actually play Minecraft. I picked up the Pocket Edition app for my iPad yesterday on the off chance I could create a fun background with it.

So while the Niners were squeaking out one final win for the season (and thus slipping from 4th to 7th in the draft) and the Raiders failed to even out their season, I essentially played with digital LEGOs.

The fact I created a tower was entirely coincidental!

Not sure if this is a direction worth pursuing, but if you are looking for a way to waste a few hours, I found the experience oddly satisfying.

That's It?

Well, um... yes.

The boys were shot in front a white backdrop, and it took some work in Photoshop Elements to get the Minecraft screenshot and masked image of the boys melded together.

Plus our main drive ran out of disk space, so I had the quarterly joy of dragging my photo files from the Lightroom on the main drive to the Lightroom on the MUCH larger (but slower) backup drive.

So... yes, I'm afraid that's all there is.

But we will probably be back to our normal programming tomorrow!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

Furries said...

I like Henry's hat. They look good in front of the tower.