Henry: "What a perfect Sunday."
Zachary: "Don't say that." |
Henry: "Well, at least it can't get any worse."
Zachary: "Don't say that." |
Dog Blog Post #1400
When Henry (in Orange) was just a wee pup, he managed to get his head through that little square you see in the lower left panel in the picture below.
Off to the vet we went, with Hubby holding entire left panel (square and above) and little Henry wearing it like a huge necklace.
Fortunately, with a liberal application of K-Y Jelly and a VERY patient puppy, the vet was able to pull first one ear and then Henry's head back through the opening.
No vets nor puppies were hurt in the operation, and they even cleaned him up for us before we went home.
To this day, when Henry shows up at the vets I get: "Is he the one?"
Photography Assignment
Daily Dog Challenge 909. "Show Us Those Lines"
Our Daily Challenge - April 27 2014 - "Fence"
Mischief Monday
Zachary: "Not another word." |
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Daily Dog Challenge and join us!
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