On the left, you should see a checklist of all Rally Novice exercises, grouped by exercise type (click on it see it larger.)
Of course, there are many ways one can group things, and this may or may not be the best way, but it’s good enough for me.
For now.
Subject to change without notice.
The next step was to decide what order to teach things in. I quickly eliminated going by groups. How dull would that be? A week of nothing but sit… woo-hoo (not!)
So after shuffling my Rally Business Cards around a bit, trying to spread out like items over the weeks and avoid multiple left or right turns in a week (accept for Week #1) this is what I came up with:
Week 1 (this week):
- 3. HALT-Sit
- 4. HALT-Down Dog
- 5. Right Turn
- 6. Left Turn
- 7. About Turn-Right
- 9. 270 Right Turn
- 10. 270 Left Turn
- 19. Normal Pace
Week 2:
- 8. About “U” Turn
- 18. Fast Pace
- 24. Serpentine Weave Once
- 26. HALT-1, 2, and 3 Steps Backward
- 30. HALT and Walk Around Dog
Week 3:
- 13. Call Dog Front-Finish Right-Forward
- 25. HALT-1, 2, and 3 Steps Forward
- 29. Left About Turn
- 31. HALT-Down-Walk Around Down
Week 4:
- 14. Call Dog Front-Finish Left-Forward
- 17. Slow Pace
- 21. Spiral Right-Dog Outside
- 23. Straight Figure 8 Weave Twice
Week 5:
- 11. 360 Right Turn
- 15. Call Dog Front-Finish Right-HALT
- 22. Spiral Left-Dog Inside
- 28. HALT-Fast-Forward from Sit
Week 6:
- 12. 360 Left Turn
- 16. Call Dog Front-Finish Left-HALT
- 20. Moving Sidestep Right
- 27. Stop and Down
… you may notice that Week #1 has a lot more stuff in it, but just about everything except the two 270 turns should be very familiar.
I'm hoping to get out to a local park a couple times a week to make it more like a "real class" - we'll see what I can come up.
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